
Friday, May 4, 2018

Another New Baby

Momma and new baby.  If you look carefully, you can see Mom is giving the baby a short lick.  I saw the cow earlier in the day and figured she'd have a calf by nightfall.  She did.
This morning when I was feeding Old Momma her morning grain, I noticed this cow standing very near the patio gate.  She was acting restless, her bag was strutted out, and her organs were a bit puffy.  All sure signs of an impending birth.

I went out and saw her baby, but didn't get a good face shot.  Will have to try to do that tomorrow.

You can't see because the back two teats are behind her leg, but the calf has nursed on those two.  The two front ones are still badly engorged, but my guess is the baby will get after it by tomorrow.

Sharon got on the quad with me and we rode out to see this new baby.  What a delightful pre-dinner event.  We are so very fortunate.

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